about Us?

It’s not about us,

it’s about you and your experience !

Multimedia horses
Educational Multimedia about horses

About Me

Hi! My name is Maria. I have a passion for horses and for visual arts.

I work outdoors observing and communicating with horses, and indoors writing on my blog and creating digital art about horses.

I truly believe in the power of an image and its ability to simplify the comprehension of concepts and make the learning process enjoyable.

I created this website to share information about horses in a way that is easy for anyone to understand. I design digital educational content that is engaging by combining images, text, audio, and video.

But enough about me !

About Us

I have help from other people, lots of it. From my husband who is a Lusitano horse breeder, from my daughter who is a veterinarian specializing in horses, and from the horse community both offline and online. I also do thorough research for every article I write to make sure I deliver the best possible content to you.

So from now on, and throughout the blog, I will refer to “we” instead of “I” because this is really a production with input from many people.

But enough about us !

About You

This is about you and your horses !

We want to share our knowledge with you. We want to make it very easy to grasp, whether you are a native English speaker or not, whether you are still a child or already an adult. We want the message to reach everyone without exception.

Because we believe that with more knowledge,  we are all better prepared to take care of our horses, improve their wellbeing and our safety when interacting with them.

On our website, you can read articles about Horse Anatomy & Physiology, Horse Health & Well-being, Horse Colors, and Horse Grooming.

If you have any questions or feedback you can email us at [email protected]